EMDR Intensive Services

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What is EMDR Intensive Services?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a highly researched, widely respected, and effective approach to treating trauma as well as chronic anxiety and depression. EMDR helps you to quickly process critical incidents or disturbing events from your past so that you are no longer having overwhelming emotions, feelings, or thoughts about the event and you are able to function and return to the life you had before the traumatic event or, in some cases, even better than before.

EMDR can also be beneficial for those struggling with performance issues, concerns with anxiety, disordered eating, work-related stress, and many other life concerns.

EMDR Intensives are personalized treatment sessions designed to provide EMDR services in a consolidated timeline, to achieve specific goals. They are highly concentrated sessions, occurring for 4-6 hours a day, scheduled in blocks of time ranging from ½ day to 1-2 days in the same week.
Got Your Six Counseling Services offers EMDR intensives for current clients when they are needing extra support, as well as new clients who prefer to work intensively.

Our EMDR Intensive therapists are highly experienced in treating complex issues. They are EMDR Trained and Certified therapists and approved by the EMDR International Association.

The traditional model of weekly psychotherapy is shifting to meet your needs. Now more than ever, we need flexibility in how we get support.

  • Perhaps you’ve been struggling with stress, work-related issues, or generally feeling “blah”.
  • Perhaps you are noticing sudden changes in mood and feel that your typical coping skills are no longer effective.
  • Perhaps you’ve had a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience of yourself with your current therapist. Maybe you now cognitively understand new things, yet your body is still confused, so you’re curious about how adjunct EMDR therapy can help.
  • Perhaps you’ve identified some changes in your life that you’d like to make, but feel that traditional therapy may not be a good fit for you.
  • Perhaps you’ve been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive.
  • Perhaps you’re needing help —- and a lot of it—- right now, and you don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly model of therapy treatment to feel better.

EMDR intensives support the busy parent with kids doing virtual learning, the working professional who has even more on their plate since COVID, or the client who needs help now. Whatever the reason, EMDR intensives are available to support you during times you need help the most.

What does an EMDR Intensive look like?

EMDR Intensives typically occur in blocks of 4-6 hours, and can be done in half of a day, on one day, or over the course of two consecutive days. Your EMDR Intensive therapist will work with you during the intake to identify the appropriate timeline to meet your specific needs.

Intensives may be scheduled for clients currently engaged in regular therapy with a clinician, and who could benefit from the adjunct of additional therapy services. Your clinician may make this referral if they feel additional support from an EMDR Intensive would be helpful. You also do not need to be referred from, or engaged in services with, a mental health professional to receive the benefits from an EMDR Intensive.

How do I know if an EMDR Intensive is right for me?

EMDR Intensives are designed around your personal needs. Not every client has experienced a trauma, not every client requires ongoing therapy, and not every client who engages in EMDR has, or will receive, a mental health diagnosis. We offer a free virtual consultation to determine if this would be a good treatment option for your specific needs. Then, if you and the EMDR Intensive therapist feel it is a good fit, an intake appointment is scheduled to identify your specific goals, and areas to address during the EMDR Intensive.

You do not have to be diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis or be referred from a mental health or medical professional.

How much does it cost?

EMDR Intensives are offered in a customized format, and the personalized plan will be discussed with you and your EMDR Intensive therapist. The cost ranges from $800-$2000. A $500 deposit is required at the time of the Assessment, and the balance is required to be paid in full prior to the EMDR Intensive Processing date. Note: additional sessions beyond the EMDR Intensive Processing are not included in the Intensive Program fee; recommendations are individualized based on your specific needs. In complex cases, especially with multiple traumatic events, additional intensive work may be recommended.

Hear what some EMDR clients have to say:

Journal articles and studies have been published discussing the benefits of intensive treatment, utilizing EMDR, to help individuals manage complex post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as many other life stressors and mental health diagnoses.


  • Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better, results, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely.
  • Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame.
  • An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD.
  • The economy is compelling: even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session.


Van Woudenberg, C., Voorendonk, E. M., Bongaerts, H., Zoet, H. A., Verhagen, M., Lee, C. W., van Minnen, A., & De Jongh, A. (2018). Effectiveness of an intensive treatment programme combining prolonged exposure and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for severe post-traumatic stress disorder. European journal of psychotraumatology, 9(1), 1487225. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2018.1487225 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6041781/

Ehlers, A., Hackmann, A., Grey, N., Wild, J., Liness, S., Albert, I., Deale, A., Stott, R., & Clark, D. M. (2014). A Randomized Controlled Trial of 7-Day Intensive and Standard Weekly Cognitive Therapy for PTSD and Emotion-Focused Supportive Therapy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(3), 294–304. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13040552 https://connect.springerpub.com/content/sgremdr/11/2/84

E. B. Foa, E. A. Hembree, S. P. Cahill, S. A. M. Rauch, D. S. Riggs, N. C. Feeny, & E. Yadin (2005). Randomized trial of prolonged exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder with and without cognitive restructuring: Outcome at academic and community clinics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 953–964. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-13740-018